5 Benefits of CBD Oil for Women's Health
Lily Brooks
Are you CBD-curious?
With many countries around the world relaxing their stance on cannabis products, there is a surge in research and studies about its benefits.
We are slowly beginning to understand how it affects the human body and what it can offer to us in terms of health and wellness, with many studies showing promising results especially in regards to women's health.
Photo courtesy of Fleur Marche
Here are five ways that CBD can benefit your overall health.
PMS Symptoms
Any woman will attest that it's no walk in the park dealing with PMS.
The rush of hormones ladies experience every month changes their mood, eating habits, and emotion; as if adding insult to injury, many women experience bloating, cramps, and anxiety as a consequence of PMS.
It's no surprise that for hundreds of years, the search for a drug to at least minimize PMS symptoms has been a never-ending challenge. There is one that comes close, though.
CBD oil is known as a miracle drug that's been used for different ailments. It can address many of the symptoms of PMS like anxiety, cramps, and even regulate women's emotions during their monthly cycle.
Regulating Hormones
Hormones play a major role in our body. It regulates our metabolism, reproduction, growth, and other functions.
It is especially crucial to women's health especially as it relates to women's menstrual cycle. Having an imbalance in hormones can lead to several physiological effects that would need medical attention.
CBD oil has been known to promote balance by affecting the body's endocannabinoid system, a system that regulates the different functions of the body including hormone production. CBD in CBD oil interacts with the receptors of the ECS to promote homeostasis in the body.
Photo courtesy of Saint Jane Beauty
Keeps cholesterol levels low
As we age, we pay closer attention to our cholesterol level. Too much of it can lead to all sorts of medical issues like heart condition and the hardening of our arteries.
The market is almost saturated with medicines that help keep cholesterol level in check but people have begun to explore alternative ways to avoid the build of cholesterol in the body.
One such substance is CBD oil. It has an effect on regulating the uptake of lipids (fats) in the body as well as lowering blood pressure. Cannabidiol binds to receptors in the body that control cholesterol and blood pressure as well as being an effective anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety medication.
Pain relief
Women face all sorts of pain in their life, from period pain to childbirth. In fact, women have a higher tolerance for pain than men owing to the fact that they have to endure more pain than men.
But in times when the pain is too awful to bear, they can turn to CBD oil to help alleviate it. CBD oil can be bought from any authorized dispensaries. There are many reliable online dispensaries that have a proven track record of minimizing pain including headaches, cramps, arthritis, and many more.
Between men and women, when it comes to beauty and skincare the arrow skews more towards the ladies. More skincare products are targeted to women, not to mention the countless makeup and age-defying products.
It might surprise a lot of the ladies to know that CBD oil is also an effective skincare product that is safe to use. It's packed with nutrients to keep skin looking healthy and glowing.
It also promotes cells to repair faster. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help with allergies. And CBD oil is also an effective treatment for acne.
CBD oil has been heralded as the next wonder drug. Only time will tell how much of an extent it has on men and women's health, but so far things are looking good for cannabis.
Moody Monthly. (2019, February 28). Can CBD oil help with PMS? Retrieved from https://moodymonth.com/articles/can-cbd-oil-help-with-pms.
Wheless, H. (2019, August 25). CBD may have the potential to restore hormone balance. Retrieved from https://www.remedyreview.com/health/cbd-for-hormone-balance/.
Johnson, J. (2019, March 13). CBD for acne: Does it work? Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324689.
Lily Brooks is a passionate blogger who loves to write about innovative ideas on promoting mental and physical health. She is currently working with GreenSociety, the best ganja express alternative, which offers top quality weed online.