7 Natural Ways to Combat Seasonal Depression
Kate Harveston, Health and Wellness Writer
As the winter drags on, it's common to feel a touch of cabin fever.
However, if getting out of bed in the morning seems like an insurmountable task, you could have a more severe condition — seasonal depression. This disorder can make life a misery for several months each year.
If your symptoms develop to the point where they interfere with your daily functioning, it's wise to seek outside help. However, you can remedy many of the symptoms of seasonal depression at home. Try these natural, holistic remedies for beating the winter blues and get back to feeling like yourself more quickly.
Exercise acts as a natural antidepressant because it stimulates your body to release endorphins. These natural opioid-like substances make you feel good without causing unpleasant side effects. You can boost your mood naturally by hitting the gym.
How much exercise do you need? Most experts recommend getting 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. You can take mini-workout breaks throughout the day, too, whenever you feel a slump. Get up from your desk and walk around your building. During a commercial break, put on your favorite song and dance.
Men and women tend to process mental illnesses like seasonal depression in different ways. While men tend to act out by becoming irritable and angry, women tend to become sullen and withdrawn. Unfortunately, this withdrawal can result in changes in eating patterns. You might not feel like eating at all. Conversely, you may try to self-medicate with food.
Instead, take the time to prep healthy grab-and-go meals you can freeze on your day off. This way, you have something to take to the office, and you can resist the urge to hit the drive thru. Cut up veggies and other ingredients you can toss into the wok in a snap when you arrive home.
Photo by Victoria Gloria
In the second trimester, your baby’s bones and teeth are being formed and Yoga has existed for thousands of years because this style of exercise offers a host of benefits besides toning and stretching muscles. The right poses, or asanas, can ease the pain of a variety of conditions, including depression.
To beat a blue mood, try poses such as dolphin pose, which resembles a downward-facing dog, only on your elbows. If you can manage a handstand, this pose facilitates the flow of chi, or vital energy, to your crown chakra. Forward bends release your posterior chain and also stimulate blood flow to your brain.
If you haven't tried meditation, you must. This practice empowers you to change negative thought patterns using the power of visualization and deep breathing. Best of all? You don't have to enroll in a pricey class. You can find tons of free guided meditation videos on YouTube for your listening delight. Lie back, place a pillow under your knees and explore your inner om.
Photo by Victoria Gloria
Researchers believe seasonal depression results at least in part due to lower light levels in the winter months. If you can't get outside during the day, consider investing in a specially designed lamp intended to imitate the rays of the sun. You can find these inexpensively at online and in-store retailers, so get one for both home and the office. Sitting by natural light for several minutes each day can boost your mood.
Ideally, you should get outdoors as often as possible, despite the temperatures. However, when a blizzard howls outside, it's foolish, if not downright dangerous, to go for a walk. If you can't venture out, put on a recording of gentle nature sounds to ease your depression. The music of the wild draws your attention outward, instead of inward where you ruminate.
Photo by Melanie Ruth
Finally, beating yourself up over getting the blues will only make you feel worse. Hey, your body evolved to slow down in the winter to keep you alive. Primitive humans benefited from this time of rest, as the decrease in metabolism helped them survive this time of food scarcity. It's hardly your fault the modern world won't let you curl up and hibernate.
Pamper yourself lovingly during this season. On particularly trying days, treat yourself to a spa-like bath experience at home. If you have a partner, ask them to give you a relaxing massage. Allow yourself the occasional lazy Saturday or Sunday. Yes, you want to keep going on your goals, but pushing yourself too hard when you're already struggling is a sure path to burnout.
Many women with seasonal depression treat their condition effectively and naturally. Try a few simple tips to get to feeling better, regardless of whether that pesky groundhog sees his shadow!
Kate Harveston is a health and wellness writer from Pennsylvania. She writes about women's reproductive health at her blog, So Well, So Woman. If you enjoy her work, you can visit her blog or follow her on Twitter @KateHarveston for updates!